Special Traditional Recipes

Welcome to Srushti Agro Tourism

The finest corner of nature which will surround with beautiful natures sparkling. Here we provide not only rural but also perfect countryside experience with a purely Agro Tourism. Here we welcomes you along with our heart and always try for it could be remembering visit for you. We better known for four seasoned purely Agro Tourism, because we offer services and facilities as per season especially because in summer you experienced unforgettable nature like sprinkles, feel the natures rich and unforgettable climate in rainy season, you love sizzling camp fire and memorable night outs along with winter.

Everybody is looking for a break from the hectic routine of city life. And often it is not possible to take a long vacation. A day trip in rustic village surroundings provides the right change required to rejuvenate and face the city life with a new zeal. Experience the wonders of pollution free air and in the heart of the rustic village life.

concept of natural farming and eating consciouslyt
Aurangabad Tourist Place
Aurangabad Tourist Place

Meet the basic need of all – to live in health, dignity and peace

Come and spend a Day in the Fields